Filtering by: Guided Hike
Pink Moon Hike
8:00 PM20:00

Pink Moon Hike

  • Strawberry Hill Foundation, Inc (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for a free nighttime nature hike under the Full Pink Moon!

The forest is stretching and yawning awake. Join us as we explore the trails and enjoy the early nights of a springtime forest.

Guided hike will start at 8:00pm and last about 60 minutes. We will have a limited number of flashlights to handout so please bring one if you can. Mud is likely so please plan and dress accordingly.

Email Anne at to register. Space is limited to 15 participants.

Due to the nature of a nighttime hike, this activity is recommended for older children who are comfortable walking in the woods at night.

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Strawberry Moon Hike
9:00 PM21:00

Strawberry Moon Hike

Join us for a free nighttime nature hike under the Full Strawberry Moon!

What better way to celebrate the official start of summer than a hike under the glorious full moon? This is our favorite time of year. The forest is in bloom and wild strawberries are everywhere. We’ll explore some local history and discover the origins of our nature preserve.

Guided hike will start at 9pm and last about 60 minutes. We will have a limited number of flashlights to handout so please bring one if you can.

Email Anne at to register. Space is limited to 15 participants.

Due to the nature of a nighttime hike, this activity is recommended for older children who are comfortable walking in the woods at night.

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Buck Moon Hike
9:30 PM21:30

Buck Moon Hike

Join us for a free nighttime nature hike under the Full Buck Moon!

The cold, dark days of winter are a distant memory. The forest is teeming with life and her hard work is on display - from the brilliantly flashing lightning bugs to the lush green grass at our feet. Summer is in full swing and the forest is celebrating. Let’s join in the celebrations!

Guided hike will start at 9:30pm and last about 60 minutes. We will have a limited number of flashlights to handout so please bring one if you can.

Email Anne at to register. Space is limited to 15 participants.

Due to the nature of a nighttime hike, this activity is recommended for older children who are comfortable walking in the woods at night.

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Sturgeon Moon Hike
8:30 PM20:30

Sturgeon Moon Hike

Join us for a free nighttime nature hike under the Full Sturgeon Moon!

The guided hike will start at 8:30pm and last about 60 minutes. We will have a limited number of flashlights to handout so please bring one if you can.

Email Anne at to register. Space is limited to 15 participants.

Due to the nature of a nighttime hike, this activity is recommended for older children who are comfortable walking in the woods at night.

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Harvest Moon Hike
8:00 PM20:00

Harvest Moon Hike

Join us for a free nighttime nature hike under the Full Harvest Moon!

Autumn is almost upon us and the forest is setting the stage for her arrival. Join us as we hike and celebrate all things autumn under the Harvest Moon.

The guided hike will start at 8:00pm and last about 60 minutes. We will have a limited number of flashlights to handout so please bring one if you can.

Email Anne at to register. Space is limited to 15 participants.

Due to the nature of a nighttime hike, this activity is recommended for older children who are comfortable walking in the woods at night.

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Hunter's Moon Hike
7:30 PM19:30

Hunter's Moon Hike

Join us for a free nighttime nature hike under the Full Hunter’s Moon!

Let yourself experience the fall forest in a whole new way. Take a deep breath. The air is crisp and lovely this time of year, carrying a hint of sassafras and pine. The crunch of leaves echoes as you wander the twisting paths. Join us as we use our senses to explore the hidden corners of the forest under the Hunter’s Moon!

The guided hike will start at 7:30pm and last about 60 minutes. We will have a limited number of flashlights to handout so please bring one if you can.

Email Anne at to register. Space is limited to 15 participants.

Due to the nature of a nighttime hike, this activity is recommended for older children who are comfortable walking in the woods at night.

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Beaver Moon Hike
7:00 PM19:00

Beaver Moon Hike

Join us for a free nighttime hike under the full Beaver Moon!

Discover how animals and insects are settling in as the cold begins to take hold over the forest.

The guided hike will start at 7:00pm and last about 60 minutes. We will have a limited number of flashlights to handout so please bring one if you can.

Email Anne at to register. Space is limited to 15 participants.

Due to the nature of a nighttime hike, this activity is recommended for older children who are comfortable walking in the woods at night.

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Cold Moon Hike
6:00 PM18:00

Cold Moon Hike

Join us for a free nighttime nature hike under the Cold Moon! Enjoy the beauty of an early winter trek around Strawberry Hill as the forest prepares for the long winter ahead.

Guided hike will start at 6:00pm and last about 60 minutes. We will have a limited number of flashlights to handout so please bring one if you can. Snow and/or ice is likely so please plan and dress accordingly.

Email Anne at to register. Space is limited to 15 participants.

Due to the nature of a nighttime hike, this activity is recommended for older children who are comfortable walking in the woods at night.

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SOLD OUT - Worm Moon Hike
8:00 PM20:00

SOLD OUT - Worm Moon Hike

SOLD OUT - Join us for a free nighttime nature hike under the Full Worm Moon!

The forest lightly slumbers but she’s beginning to stir. The cold, strange days of late winter are fading into memory. Join us as we search for signs of spring hiding amongst the leaves and snow.

Guided hike will start at 8pm and last about 60 minutes. We will have a limited number of flashlights to handout so please bring one if you can. Snow and/or ice is likely so please plan and dress accordingly.

Email Anne at to register. Space is limited to 15 participants.

Due to the nature of a nighttime hike, this activity is recommended for older children who are comfortable walking in the woods at night.

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Hunger Moon Hike
7:00 PM19:00

Hunger Moon Hike

  • Strawberry Hill Foundation, Inc (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

CANCELLED - Join us for a free nighttime nature hike under the Hunger Moon!

This time of year is hard. The days often seem to drag on as the cold presses in, unyielding in its persistence. The forest remains deep in sleep and it’s a hardscrabble life for those who venture out of their dens in search of food. Join us as we explore and learn about this miraculous and strange, frozen landscape.

Guided hike will start at 7:00pm and last about 60 minutes. We will have a limited number of flashlights to handout so please bring one if you can. Snow and/or ice is likely so please plan and dress accordingly.

Email Anne at to register. Space is limited to 15 participants.

Due to the nature of a nighttime hike, this activity is recommended for older children who are comfortable walking in the woods at night.

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Cold Moon Hike
6:00 PM18:00

Cold Moon Hike

Join us for a free nighttime nature hike under the Cold Moon! Enjoy the beauty of an early winter trek around Strawberry Hill as the forest prepares for the long winter ahead.

Guided hike will start at 6:00pm and last about 60 minutes. We will have a limited number of flashlights to handout so please bring one if you can. Snow and/or ice is likely so please plan and dress accordingly.

Email Anne at to register. Space is limited to 15 participants.

Due to the nature of a nighttime hike, this activity is recommended for older children who are comfortable walking in the woods at night.

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Beaver Moon Hike - full
7:00 PM19:00

Beaver Moon Hike - full

This hike is fully booked

Join us for a free nighttime hike under the full Beaver Moon!

Discover how animals and insects are settling in as the cold begins to take hold over the forest.

Also - November’s full moon is the last of four super full moons in 2024! When a full moon takes place when the moon is near its closest approach to Earth, it is called a Super Full Moon. Join us as we explore this astrological phenomenon and learn what it means for life on Earth.

The guided hike will start at 7:00pm and last about 60 minutes. We will have a limited number of flashlights to handout so please bring one if you can.

Email Anne at to register. Space is limited to 15 participants.

Due to the nature of a nighttime hike, this activity is recommended for older children who are comfortable walking in the woods at night.

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Halloween on the Hill
5:30 PM17:30

Halloween on the Hill


Join us for a night of spooky family fun! Costumes welcome.

$5/person (kids and adults) or $20/family of four or more To register click here


All new scavenger hunt - fun for all ages

Explore the Nature Classroom and learn about things that go bump in the night

Table Talk: From Prions to Cordyceps - the makings of an apocalypse

Hang out by the campfire and enjoy s’mores while listening to a children’s story

“Strix or Treat” - Meet one of our Animal Ambassadors, Strix the barred owl! Hear all about what’s happening in the fall forest

Family-friendly fall crafts, and more!


Join us for an outdoor movie - Night of the Living Dead

Please bring a lawn chair, blanket, etc. for seating as we’ll be in the grass.

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Walk in the Woods: Strawberry Hill Preserve
10:00 AM10:00

Walk in the Woods: Strawberry Hill Preserve

Explore the streams found on the Strawberry Hill property and gain insights into their critical role in maintaining the health of the waters. Join us for a guided fall hike to explore the stunning Strawberry Hill Preserve while learning about the vital role its streams play in providing clean drinking water to over 5 million people downstream. Strawberry Hill Preserve, in the northern reaches of the Potomac River watershed, is the gateway for clean water downstream. Join the dedicated staff of Strawberry Hill and the Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin (ICPRB) as they partner to share their mission to protect and preserve vital water resources. Explore the streams found on the Strawberry Hill property and gain insights into their critical role in maintaining the health of the watershed.

This event is not just a hike; it's an opportunity to connect with nature, understand the importance of preserving our water resources, and be part of a collective effort to safeguard our environment.

Expect to walk about 2-3 miles on moderate terrain. Please bring your own water bottle, snacks, and bug spray (if needed).

This event is free but please register in case of delays or rescheduling due to bad weather. Register here:

Each participant will be required to complete the following form (copies will be available at the beginning of the hike):

This event is produced in partnership with the Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin (ICPRB) and Strawberry Hill Preserve. It is part of ICPRB’s Walk in the Woods series of hikes.

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Hunter's Moon Hike - full
7:30 PM19:30

Hunter's Moon Hike - full

This hike is fully booked

Join us for a free nighttime nature hike under the Full Hunter’s Moon!

Let yourself experience the fall forest in a whole new way. Take a deep breath. The air is crisp and lovely this time of year, carrying a hint of sassafras and pine. The crunch of leaves echoes as you wander the twisting paths. Join us as we use our senses to explore the hidden corners of the forest under the Hunter’s Moon!

Also - October’s full moon is the third of four super full moons in 2024! When a full moon takes place when the moon is near its closest approach to Earth, it is called a Super Full Moon. Join us as we explore this astrological phenomenon and learn what it means for life on Earth.

The guided hike will start at 7:30pm and last about 60 minutes. We will have a limited number of flashlights to handout so please bring one if you can.

Email Anne at to register. Space is limited to 15 participants.

Due to the nature of a nighttime hike, this activity is recommended for older children who are comfortable walking in the woods at night.

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Harvest Moon Hike - full
8:00 PM20:00

Harvest Moon Hike - full

This hike is fully booked

Join us for a free nighttime nature hike under the Full Harvest Moon!

Autumn is almost upon us and the forest is setting the stage for her arrival. Join us as we hike and celebrate all things autumn under the Harvest Moon.

Also - September’s full moon is the second of four super full moons in 2024! When a full moon takes place when the moon is near its closest approach to Earth, it is called a Super Full Moon. Join us as we explore this astrological phenomenon and learn what it means for life on Earth.

The guided hike will start at 8:00pm and last about 60 minutes. We will have a limited number of flashlights to handout so please bring one if you can.

For Scouts: This program meets the requirements for the following badges - Junior Trail Adventure, Senior Science Expert, Brownies Bugs, and Cadette Night Owl. You will receive a certificate of completion from Strawberry Hill upon request.

Email Anne at to register. Space is limited to 15 participants.

Due to the nature of a nighttime hike, this activity is recommended for older children who are comfortable walking in the woods at night.

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CANCELLED - Grandparents' Day Hike
10:00 AM10:00

CANCELLED - Grandparents' Day Hike

CANCELLED - Join us for a free Grandparents’ Day Hike! Spend the day exploring our beautiful campus as we search for signs of wildlife along the trails. Bring a packed lunch and spend the afternoon on the Nature Playground.

Free and open to the public. Please email Anne at to register.

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CANCELLED - Wild Edibles with Debbie Naha-Koretzky, part 3
1:00 PM13:00

CANCELLED - Wild Edibles with Debbie Naha-Koretzky, part 3

CANCELLED - Join Debbie Naha-Koretzky, “The Wild Edibles Lady,” for a three-part foraging adventure to discover the edible plants of our area. The program will include a slide show followed by a foraging walk, and a taste of wild tea.

Signed copies of her book, Foraging Pennsylvania and New Jersey (2021, Falcon Guides), will be available.

Debbie is a registered dietitian/nutritionist, Rutgers Master Gardener, Pennsylvania Master Naturalist, certified science teacher, and wild foods author. She has conducted countless foraging programs for state organizations, environmental centers, native plant societies, state parks and more. She received her master’s degree in Clinical Nutrition from New York University. This specialized training allows for a unique approach to wild edible plants.

The program will cover plant identification, safety, look-alike plants, sustainable harvesting, cooking with wild plants, and of course, nutrition.

Click here to register

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Sturgeon Moon Hike
8:30 PM20:30

Sturgeon Moon Hike

Join us for a free nighttime nature hike under the Full Sturgeon Moon!

August’s full moon is the first of four super full moons in 2024! When a full moon takes place when the moon is near its closest approach to Earth, it is called a Super Full Moon. Join us as we explore this astrological phenomenon and learn what it means for life on Earth.

The guided hike will start at 8:30pm and last about 60 minutes. We will have a limited number of flashlights to handout so please bring one if you can.

For Scouts: This program meets the requirements for the following badges - Junior Trail Adventure, Senior Science Expert, Brownies Bugs, and Cadette Night Owl. You will receive a certificate of completion from Strawberry Hill upon request.

Email Anne at to register. Space is limited to 15 participants.

Due to the nature of a nighttime hike, this activity is recommended for older children who are comfortable walking in the woods at night.

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CANCELLED - Morning Adult Hike
10:00 AM10:00

CANCELLED - Morning Adult Hike

Cancelled due to weather

Come explore Strawberry Hill with a Pennsylvania Master Naturalist! We will meet at the Nature Classroom, plan our course, and enjoy nature together. No prior hiking experience necessary though the trails may have some short but semi-steep inclines. Whether you’re new to nature or have hiked Strawberry Hill’s trails dozens of time, we hope you’ll join us for this fun and free event!

Free and open to the public.

Please email Anne at to register.

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Buck Moon Hike
9:30 PM21:30

Buck Moon Hike

Join us for a free nighttime nature hike under the Full Buck Moon!

The cold, dark days of winter are a distant memory. The forest is teeming with life and her hard work is on display - from the brilliantly flashing lightning bugs to the lush green grass at our feet. Summer is in full swing and the forest is celebrating. Let’s join in the celebrations!

Guided hike will start at 9:30pm and last about 60 minutes. We will have a limited number of flashlights to handout so please bring one if you can.

For Scouts: This program meets the requirements for the following badges - Junior Trail Adventure, Senior Science Expert, Brownies Bugs, and Cadette Night Owl. You will receive a certificate of completion from Strawberry Hill upon request.

Email Anne at to register. Space is limited to 15 participants.

Due to the nature of a nighttime hike, this activity is recommended for older children who are comfortable walking in the woods at night.

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Explore a Shore
5:00 PM17:00

Explore a Shore

Join in the summer fun with Strawberry Hill and Adams County Public Library’s Explore a Shore!

During this program, we will visit the creek and talk about what creatures live in freshwater streams and what a healthy stream looks like. We'll plan to get in the water with nets and search for macroinvertebrates.

This program is weather permitting. Please bring water and sunblock and wear appropriate footwear. A parent/ guardian must be present for the hike if your explorer is under 18 years old. Free and open to the public. Space is limited and registration is required. 

To register, click here.

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Morning Adult Hike
10:00 AM10:00

Morning Adult Hike

Come explore Strawberry Hill with a Pennsylvania Master Naturalist! We will meet at the Nature Classroom, plan our course, and enjoy nature together. No prior hiking experience necessary though the trails may have some short but semi-steep inclines. Whether you’re new to nature or have hiked Strawberry Hill’s trails dozens of time, we hope you’ll join us for this fun and free event!

Free and open to the public.

Please email Anne at to register.

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CANCELED - Adventures in Hiking
5:00 PM17:00

CANCELED - Adventures in Hiking

CANCELED - Join in the summer fun with Strawberry Hill and Adams County Public Library’s Adventures in Hiking!

Join us for a 1-mile family hike through the forest and we'll discuss basic safety while hiking and fun games to play on the trail.  This program is weather permitting. Please bring water and sunblock and wear appropriate footwear. A parent/ guardian must be present for the hike if your explorer is under 18 years old. Free and open to the public. Space is limited and registration is required. 

To register, click here.

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Strawberry Moon Hike
9:30 PM21:30

Strawberry Moon Hike

Join us for a free nighttime nature hike under the Full Strawberry Moon!

What better way to celebrate the official start of summer than a hike under the glorious full moon? This is our favorite time of year. The forest is in bloom and wild strawberries are everywhere. We’ll explore some local history and discover the origins of our nature preserve.

Guided hike will start at 9:30pm and last about 60 minutes. We will have a limited number of flashlights to handout so please bring one if you can.

For Scouts: This program meets the requirements for the following badges - Junior Trail Adventure and Cadette Night Owl. You will receive a certificate of completion from Strawberry Hill upon request.

Email Anne at to register. Space is limited to 15 participants.

Due to the nature of a nighttime hike, this activity is recommended for older children who are comfortable walking in the woods at night.

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Wild Edibles with Debbie Naha-Koretzky, part 2
1:00 PM13:00

Wild Edibles with Debbie Naha-Koretzky, part 2

Join Debbie Naha-Koretzky, “The Wild Edibles Lady,” for a three-part foraging adventure to discover the edible plants of our area. The program will include a slide show followed by a foraging walk, and a taste of wild tea.

Signed copies of her book, Foraging Pennsylvania and New Jersey (2021, Falcon Guides), will be available.

Debbie is a registered dietitian/nutritionist, Rutgers Master Gardener, Pennsylvania Master Naturalist, certified science teacher, and wild foods author. She has conducted countless foraging programs for state organizations, environmental centers, native plant societies, state parks and more. She received her master’s degree in Clinical Nutrition from New York University. This specialized training allows for a unique approach to wild edible plants.

The program will cover plant identification, safety, look-alike plants, sustainable harvesting, cooking with wild plants, and of course, nutrition.

Click here to register

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Pink Moon Hike
8:00 PM20:00

Pink Moon Hike

  • Strawberry Hill Foundation, Inc (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for a free nighttime nature hike under the Full Pink Moon!

The forest is stretching and yawning awake. Join us as we explore the trails and enjoy the early nights of a springtime forest.

Guided hike will start at 8:00pm and last about 60 minutes. We will have a limited number of flashlights to handout so please bring one if you can. Mud is likely so please plan and dress accordingly.

For Scouts: This program meets the requirements for the following badges - Junior Trail Adventure, Senior Science Expert, Brownies Bugs, and Cadette Night Owl. You will receive a certificate of completion from Strawberry Hill upon request.

Email Anne at to register. Space is limited to 15 participants.

Due to the nature of a nighttime hike, this activity is recommended for older children who are comfortable walking in the woods at night.

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Wild Edibles with Debbie Naha-Koretzky, part 1
1:00 PM13:00

Wild Edibles with Debbie Naha-Koretzky, part 1

Join Debbie Naha-Koretzky, “The Wild Edibles Lady,” for a three-part foraging adventure to discover the edible plants of our area. The program will include a slide show followed by a foraging walk, and a taste of wild tea.

Signed copies of her book, Foraging Pennsylvania and New Jersey (2021, Falcon Guides), will be available.

Debbie is a registered dietitian/nutritionist, Rutgers Master Gardener, Pennsylvania Master Naturalist, certified science teacher, and wild foods author. She has conducted countless foraging programs for state organizations, environmental centers, native plant societies, state parks and more. She received her master’s degree in Clinical Nutrition from New York University. This specialized training allows for a unique approach to wild edible plants.

The program will cover plant identification, safety, look-alike plants, sustainable harvesting, cooking with wild plants, and of course, nutrition.

Click here to register

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Worm Moon Hike
7:30 PM19:30

Worm Moon Hike

Join us for a free nighttime nature hike under the Full Worm Moon!

The forest lightly slumbers but she’s beginning to stir. The cold, strange days of late winter are fading into memory. Join us as we search for signs of spring hiding amongst the leaves and snow.

Guided hike will start at 7:30pm and last about 60 minutes. We will have a limited number of flashlights to handout so please bring one if you can. Snow and/or ice is likely so please plan and dress accordingly.

For Scouts: This program meets the requirements for the following badges - Junior Trail Adventure, Senior Science Expert, Brownies Bugs, and Cadette Night Owl. You will receive a certificate of completion from Strawberry Hill upon request.

Email Anne at to register. Space is limited to 15 participants.

Due to the nature of a nighttime hike, this activity is recommended for older children who are comfortable walking in the woods at night.

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Hunger Moon Hike
7:30 PM19:30

Hunger Moon Hike

  • Strawberry Hill Foundation, Inc (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for a free nighttime nature hike under the Hunger Moon!

This time of year is hard. The days often seem to drag on as the cold presses in, unyielding in its persistence. The forest remains deep in sleep and it’s a hardscrabble life for those who venture out of their dens in search of food. Join us as we explore and learn about this miraculous and strange, frozen landscape.

Guided hike will start at 7:30pm and last about 60 minutes. We will have a limited number of flashlights to handout so please bring one if you can. Snow and/or ice is likely so please plan and dress accordingly.

For Scouts: This program meets the requirements for the following badges - Junior Trail Adventure, Senior Science Expert, Brownies Bugs, and Cadette Night Owl. You will receive a certificate of completion from Strawberry Hill upon request.

Email Anne at to register. Space is limited to 15 participants.

Due to the nature of a nighttime hike, this activity is recommended for older children who are comfortable walking in the woods at night.

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Halloween on the Hill
6:00 PM18:00

Halloween on the Hill

Join us for a night of spooky family fun!


Take a stroll down the Middle Creek Trail for a Fall Forest Scavenger Hunt

Hang out by the campfire and enjoy s’mores under the full moon

Make fall-themed kids’ crafts in the pavilion

“Strix or Treat” - Meet one of our Animal Ambassadors, Strix the barred owl! Hear all about what’s happening in the fall forest


Join us for a hike under the full moon!

There will be two hikes running simultaneously. One for adults which will include local folklore, ghost stories, and tales from the forest (recommended for ages 14+).

The other will be a family hike in which we explore the mystery behind “scary” nighttime animals such as bats!

$5 per person or $20 for a family of 5 or more

Click here to register

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Wild Edibles with Debbie Naha-Koretzky
1:00 PM13:00

Wild Edibles with Debbie Naha-Koretzky

Join Debbie Naha-Koretzky, “The Wild Edibles Lady,” for a three-part foraging adventure to discover the edible plants of our area. The program will include a slide show followed by a foraging walk, and a taste of wild tea.

Signed copies of her book, Foraging Pennsylvania and New Jersey (2021, Falcon Guides), will be available.

Debbie is a registered dietitian/nutritionist, Rutgers Master Gardener, Pennsylvania Master Naturalist, certified science teacher, and wild foods author. She has conducted countless foraging programs for state organizations, environmental centers, native plant societies, state parks and more. She received her master’s degree in Clinical Nutrition from New York University. This specialized training allows for a unique approach to wild edible plants.

The program will cover plant identification, safety, look-alike plants, sustainable harvesting, cooking with wild plants, and of course, nutrition.

Click here to register

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Wild Edibles with Debbie  Naha-Koretzky
1:00 PM13:00

Wild Edibles with Debbie Naha-Koretzky

Join Debbie Naha-Koretzky, “The Wild Edibles Lady,” for a three-part foraging adventure to discover the edible plants of our area. The program will include a slide show followed by a foraging walk, and a taste of wild tea.

Signed copies of her book, Foraging Pennsylvania and New Jersey (2021, Falcon Guides), will be available.

Debbie is a registered dietitian/nutritionist, Rutgers Master Gardener, Pennsylvania Master Naturalist, certified science teacher, and wild foods author. She has conducted countless foraging programs for state organizations, environmental centers, native plant societies, state parks and more. She received her master’s degree in Clinical Nutrition from New York University. This specialized training allows for a unique approach to wild edible plants.

The program will cover plant identification, safety, look-alike plants, sustainable harvesting, cooking with wild plants, and of course, nutrition.

Click here to register

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Sturgeon Moon Hike
8:30 PM20:30

Sturgeon Moon Hike

Join us for a free nighttime nature hike under the Full Sturgeon Moon!

The guided hike will start at 8:30 PM and last about 60 minutes. Flashlights will be provided. Please dress to be outdoors and wear appropriate footwear for uneven ground.

Email Anne at to register. Space is limited to 15 participants.

Due to the nature of a nighttime hike, this activity is recommended for older children who are comfortable walking in the woods at night.

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 Wild Edibles with Debbie Naha-Koretzky
1:00 PM13:00

Wild Edibles with Debbie Naha-Koretzky

Join Debbie Naha-Koretzky, “The Wild Edibles Lady,” for a three-part foraging adventure to discover the edible plants of our area. The program will include a slide show followed by a foraging walk, and a taste of wild tea.

Signed copies of her book, Foraging Pennsylvania and New Jersey (2021, Falcon Guides), will be available.

Debbie is a registered dietitian/nutritionist, Rutgers Master Gardener, Pennsylvania Master Naturalist, certified science teacher, and wild foods author. She has conducted countless foraging programs for state organizations, environmental centers, native plant societies, state parks and more. She received her master’s degree in Clinical Nutrition from New York University. This specialized training allows for a unique approach to wild edible plants.

The program will cover plant identification, safety, look-alike plants, sustainable harvesting, cooking with wild plants, and of course, nutrition.

Click here to register

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