Filtering by: Adult Programming
Pink Moon Hike
8:00 PM20:00

Pink Moon Hike

  • Strawberry Hill Foundation, Inc (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for a free nighttime nature hike under the Full Pink Moon!

The forest is stretching and yawning awake. Join us as we explore the trails and enjoy the early nights of a springtime forest.

Guided hike will start at 8:00pm and last about 60 minutes. We will have a limited number of flashlights to handout so please bring one if you can. Mud is likely so please plan and dress accordingly.

Email Anne at to register. Space is limited to 15 participants.

Due to the nature of a nighttime hike, this activity is recommended for older children who are comfortable walking in the woods at night.

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Strawberry Moon Hike
9:00 PM21:00

Strawberry Moon Hike

Join us for a free nighttime nature hike under the Full Strawberry Moon!

What better way to celebrate the official start of summer than a hike under the glorious full moon? This is our favorite time of year. The forest is in bloom and wild strawberries are everywhere. We’ll explore some local history and discover the origins of our nature preserve.

Guided hike will start at 9pm and last about 60 minutes. We will have a limited number of flashlights to handout so please bring one if you can.

Email Anne at to register. Space is limited to 15 participants.

Due to the nature of a nighttime hike, this activity is recommended for older children who are comfortable walking in the woods at night.

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Buck Moon Hike
9:30 PM21:30

Buck Moon Hike

Join us for a free nighttime nature hike under the Full Buck Moon!

The cold, dark days of winter are a distant memory. The forest is teeming with life and her hard work is on display - from the brilliantly flashing lightning bugs to the lush green grass at our feet. Summer is in full swing and the forest is celebrating. Let’s join in the celebrations!

Guided hike will start at 9:30pm and last about 60 minutes. We will have a limited number of flashlights to handout so please bring one if you can.

Email Anne at to register. Space is limited to 15 participants.

Due to the nature of a nighttime hike, this activity is recommended for older children who are comfortable walking in the woods at night.

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Sturgeon Moon Hike
8:30 PM20:30

Sturgeon Moon Hike

Join us for a free nighttime nature hike under the Full Sturgeon Moon!

The guided hike will start at 8:30pm and last about 60 minutes. We will have a limited number of flashlights to handout so please bring one if you can.

Email Anne at to register. Space is limited to 15 participants.

Due to the nature of a nighttime hike, this activity is recommended for older children who are comfortable walking in the woods at night.

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Harvest Moon Hike
8:00 PM20:00

Harvest Moon Hike

Join us for a free nighttime nature hike under the Full Harvest Moon!

Autumn is almost upon us and the forest is setting the stage for her arrival. Join us as we hike and celebrate all things autumn under the Harvest Moon.

The guided hike will start at 8:00pm and last about 60 minutes. We will have a limited number of flashlights to handout so please bring one if you can.

Email Anne at to register. Space is limited to 15 participants.

Due to the nature of a nighttime hike, this activity is recommended for older children who are comfortable walking in the woods at night.

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Hunter's Moon Hike
7:30 PM19:30

Hunter's Moon Hike

Join us for a free nighttime nature hike under the Full Hunter’s Moon!

Let yourself experience the fall forest in a whole new way. Take a deep breath. The air is crisp and lovely this time of year, carrying a hint of sassafras and pine. The crunch of leaves echoes as you wander the twisting paths. Join us as we use our senses to explore the hidden corners of the forest under the Hunter’s Moon!

The guided hike will start at 7:30pm and last about 60 minutes. We will have a limited number of flashlights to handout so please bring one if you can.

Email Anne at to register. Space is limited to 15 participants.

Due to the nature of a nighttime hike, this activity is recommended for older children who are comfortable walking in the woods at night.

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Beaver Moon Hike
7:00 PM19:00

Beaver Moon Hike

Join us for a free nighttime hike under the full Beaver Moon!

Discover how animals and insects are settling in as the cold begins to take hold over the forest.

The guided hike will start at 7:00pm and last about 60 minutes. We will have a limited number of flashlights to handout so please bring one if you can.

Email Anne at to register. Space is limited to 15 participants.

Due to the nature of a nighttime hike, this activity is recommended for older children who are comfortable walking in the woods at night.

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Cold Moon Hike
6:00 PM18:00

Cold Moon Hike

Join us for a free nighttime nature hike under the Cold Moon! Enjoy the beauty of an early winter trek around Strawberry Hill as the forest prepares for the long winter ahead.

Guided hike will start at 6:00pm and last about 60 minutes. We will have a limited number of flashlights to handout so please bring one if you can. Snow and/or ice is likely so please plan and dress accordingly.

Email Anne at to register. Space is limited to 15 participants.

Due to the nature of a nighttime hike, this activity is recommended for older children who are comfortable walking in the woods at night.

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SOLD OUT - Worm Moon Hike
8:00 PM20:00

SOLD OUT - Worm Moon Hike

SOLD OUT - Join us for a free nighttime nature hike under the Full Worm Moon!

The forest lightly slumbers but she’s beginning to stir. The cold, strange days of late winter are fading into memory. Join us as we search for signs of spring hiding amongst the leaves and snow.

Guided hike will start at 8pm and last about 60 minutes. We will have a limited number of flashlights to handout so please bring one if you can. Snow and/or ice is likely so please plan and dress accordingly.

Email Anne at to register. Space is limited to 15 participants.

Due to the nature of a nighttime hike, this activity is recommended for older children who are comfortable walking in the woods at night.

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Hunger Moon Hike
7:00 PM19:00

Hunger Moon Hike

  • Strawberry Hill Foundation, Inc (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

CANCELLED - Join us for a free nighttime nature hike under the Hunger Moon!

This time of year is hard. The days often seem to drag on as the cold presses in, unyielding in its persistence. The forest remains deep in sleep and it’s a hardscrabble life for those who venture out of their dens in search of food. Join us as we explore and learn about this miraculous and strange, frozen landscape.

Guided hike will start at 7:00pm and last about 60 minutes. We will have a limited number of flashlights to handout so please bring one if you can. Snow and/or ice is likely so please plan and dress accordingly.

Email Anne at to register. Space is limited to 15 participants.

Due to the nature of a nighttime hike, this activity is recommended for older children who are comfortable walking in the woods at night.

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Cold Moon Hike
6:00 PM18:00

Cold Moon Hike

Join us for a free nighttime nature hike under the Cold Moon! Enjoy the beauty of an early winter trek around Strawberry Hill as the forest prepares for the long winter ahead.

Guided hike will start at 6:00pm and last about 60 minutes. We will have a limited number of flashlights to handout so please bring one if you can. Snow and/or ice is likely so please plan and dress accordingly.

Email Anne at to register. Space is limited to 15 participants.

Due to the nature of a nighttime hike, this activity is recommended for older children who are comfortable walking in the woods at night.

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Beaver Moon Hike - full
7:00 PM19:00

Beaver Moon Hike - full

This hike is fully booked

Join us for a free nighttime hike under the full Beaver Moon!

Discover how animals and insects are settling in as the cold begins to take hold over the forest.

Also - November’s full moon is the last of four super full moons in 2024! When a full moon takes place when the moon is near its closest approach to Earth, it is called a Super Full Moon. Join us as we explore this astrological phenomenon and learn what it means for life on Earth.

The guided hike will start at 7:00pm and last about 60 minutes. We will have a limited number of flashlights to handout so please bring one if you can.

Email Anne at to register. Space is limited to 15 participants.

Due to the nature of a nighttime hike, this activity is recommended for older children who are comfortable walking in the woods at night.

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Walk in the Woods: Strawberry Hill Preserve
10:00 AM10:00

Walk in the Woods: Strawberry Hill Preserve

Explore the streams found on the Strawberry Hill property and gain insights into their critical role in maintaining the health of the waters. Join us for a guided fall hike to explore the stunning Strawberry Hill Preserve while learning about the vital role its streams play in providing clean drinking water to over 5 million people downstream. Strawberry Hill Preserve, in the northern reaches of the Potomac River watershed, is the gateway for clean water downstream. Join the dedicated staff of Strawberry Hill and the Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin (ICPRB) as they partner to share their mission to protect and preserve vital water resources. Explore the streams found on the Strawberry Hill property and gain insights into their critical role in maintaining the health of the watershed.

This event is not just a hike; it's an opportunity to connect with nature, understand the importance of preserving our water resources, and be part of a collective effort to safeguard our environment.

Expect to walk about 2-3 miles on moderate terrain. Please bring your own water bottle, snacks, and bug spray (if needed).

This event is free but please register in case of delays or rescheduling due to bad weather. Register here:

Each participant will be required to complete the following form (copies will be available at the beginning of the hike):

This event is produced in partnership with the Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin (ICPRB) and Strawberry Hill Preserve. It is part of ICPRB’s Walk in the Woods series of hikes.

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Hunter's Moon Hike - full
7:30 PM19:30

Hunter's Moon Hike - full

This hike is fully booked

Join us for a free nighttime nature hike under the Full Hunter’s Moon!

Let yourself experience the fall forest in a whole new way. Take a deep breath. The air is crisp and lovely this time of year, carrying a hint of sassafras and pine. The crunch of leaves echoes as you wander the twisting paths. Join us as we use our senses to explore the hidden corners of the forest under the Hunter’s Moon!

Also - October’s full moon is the third of four super full moons in 2024! When a full moon takes place when the moon is near its closest approach to Earth, it is called a Super Full Moon. Join us as we explore this astrological phenomenon and learn what it means for life on Earth.

The guided hike will start at 7:30pm and last about 60 minutes. We will have a limited number of flashlights to handout so please bring one if you can.

Email Anne at to register. Space is limited to 15 participants.

Due to the nature of a nighttime hike, this activity is recommended for older children who are comfortable walking in the woods at night.

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Harvest Moon Hike - full
8:00 PM20:00

Harvest Moon Hike - full

This hike is fully booked

Join us for a free nighttime nature hike under the Full Harvest Moon!

Autumn is almost upon us and the forest is setting the stage for her arrival. Join us as we hike and celebrate all things autumn under the Harvest Moon.

Also - September’s full moon is the second of four super full moons in 2024! When a full moon takes place when the moon is near its closest approach to Earth, it is called a Super Full Moon. Join us as we explore this astrological phenomenon and learn what it means for life on Earth.

The guided hike will start at 8:00pm and last about 60 minutes. We will have a limited number of flashlights to handout so please bring one if you can.

For Scouts: This program meets the requirements for the following badges - Junior Trail Adventure, Senior Science Expert, Brownies Bugs, and Cadette Night Owl. You will receive a certificate of completion from Strawberry Hill upon request.

Email Anne at to register. Space is limited to 15 participants.

Due to the nature of a nighttime hike, this activity is recommended for older children who are comfortable walking in the woods at night.

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CANCELLED - Wild Edibles with Debbie Naha-Koretzky, part 3
1:00 PM13:00

CANCELLED - Wild Edibles with Debbie Naha-Koretzky, part 3

CANCELLED - Join Debbie Naha-Koretzky, “The Wild Edibles Lady,” for a three-part foraging adventure to discover the edible plants of our area. The program will include a slide show followed by a foraging walk, and a taste of wild tea.

Signed copies of her book, Foraging Pennsylvania and New Jersey (2021, Falcon Guides), will be available.

Debbie is a registered dietitian/nutritionist, Rutgers Master Gardener, Pennsylvania Master Naturalist, certified science teacher, and wild foods author. She has conducted countless foraging programs for state organizations, environmental centers, native plant societies, state parks and more. She received her master’s degree in Clinical Nutrition from New York University. This specialized training allows for a unique approach to wild edible plants.

The program will cover plant identification, safety, look-alike plants, sustainable harvesting, cooking with wild plants, and of course, nutrition.

Click here to register

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Sturgeon Moon Hike
8:30 PM20:30

Sturgeon Moon Hike

Join us for a free nighttime nature hike under the Full Sturgeon Moon!

August’s full moon is the first of four super full moons in 2024! When a full moon takes place when the moon is near its closest approach to Earth, it is called a Super Full Moon. Join us as we explore this astrological phenomenon and learn what it means for life on Earth.

The guided hike will start at 8:30pm and last about 60 minutes. We will have a limited number of flashlights to handout so please bring one if you can.

For Scouts: This program meets the requirements for the following badges - Junior Trail Adventure, Senior Science Expert, Brownies Bugs, and Cadette Night Owl. You will receive a certificate of completion from Strawberry Hill upon request.

Email Anne at to register. Space is limited to 15 participants.

Due to the nature of a nighttime hike, this activity is recommended for older children who are comfortable walking in the woods at night.

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Campfire Program @ Gettysburg Battlefield Amphitheater
8:30 PM20:30

Campfire Program @ Gettysburg Battlefield Amphitheater

Join Strawberry Hill as we present at the NPS Campfire Programs!

What are the Campfire Programs? NPS rangers present evening campfire talks on a wide variety of topics on the Battle of Gettysburg and the American Civil War. Programs take place at 8:30 pm at the Pitzer Woods Amphitheater, near Auto Tour Stop #6.

Topic: Battle of Gettysburg: From Civilian “Skedaddlers” to Survivors

Presenter: Linda Martin Gilmore

What was it like for civilians living even fifty miles away from the battlefield? Let’s talk about storekeeper Nicholas Hench. He watched “skedaddlers” walk past his store– escaping with their animals. He hid his own animals and money. The town close by barricaded the road from soldiers. Other soldiers guarded the river bridges. Would they be burned down? Nicholas probably watched Ben Huber ride past on his way to the Newport train station. He boarded it to Harrisburg to tell the Pennsylvania governor about the troops west of Gettysburg. Nicholas’s two sons fought at Gettysburg for the Union. Did he know they were there? His son Frank died on the morning of the third day. In the next few days Nicholas drove fifty miles with his wagon to bring his son’s body back home, but he could not find him. He came back a second time and finally found him. The roads would have been very crowded. Nicholas may have known the young Bretz brothers who went to the battlefield to help clean it up. They were eighteen and sixteen years old. Such were the experiences of civilians.

Bio: Linda Martin Gilmore is the author of several historical markers for the Perry County Bicentennial 2020.

She is an active historian for The Perry Historians, writing articles for the organization’s newsletter, leading tours, and assisting in research. She has presented numerous talks about historical figures and events for various organizations including The Perry Historians, Historical Society of Perry County, Rotary Club of Perry County, Conococheague Institute, Adams County Historical Society, Cumberland County Historical Society, Juniata County Historical Society, Hemlock Historians, and Tuscarora Property Owners Association.

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CANCELLED - Morning Adult Hike
10:00 AM10:00

CANCELLED - Morning Adult Hike

Cancelled due to weather

Come explore Strawberry Hill with a Pennsylvania Master Naturalist! We will meet at the Nature Classroom, plan our course, and enjoy nature together. No prior hiking experience necessary though the trails may have some short but semi-steep inclines. Whether you’re new to nature or have hiked Strawberry Hill’s trails dozens of time, we hope you’ll join us for this fun and free event!

Free and open to the public.

Please email Anne at to register.

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Buck Moon Hike
9:30 PM21:30

Buck Moon Hike

Join us for a free nighttime nature hike under the Full Buck Moon!

The cold, dark days of winter are a distant memory. The forest is teeming with life and her hard work is on display - from the brilliantly flashing lightning bugs to the lush green grass at our feet. Summer is in full swing and the forest is celebrating. Let’s join in the celebrations!

Guided hike will start at 9:30pm and last about 60 minutes. We will have a limited number of flashlights to handout so please bring one if you can.

For Scouts: This program meets the requirements for the following badges - Junior Trail Adventure, Senior Science Expert, Brownies Bugs, and Cadette Night Owl. You will receive a certificate of completion from Strawberry Hill upon request.

Email Anne at to register. Space is limited to 15 participants.

Due to the nature of a nighttime hike, this activity is recommended for older children who are comfortable walking in the woods at night.

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Morning Adult Hike
10:00 AM10:00

Morning Adult Hike

Come explore Strawberry Hill with a Pennsylvania Master Naturalist! We will meet at the Nature Classroom, plan our course, and enjoy nature together. No prior hiking experience necessary though the trails may have some short but semi-steep inclines. Whether you’re new to nature or have hiked Strawberry Hill’s trails dozens of time, we hope you’ll join us for this fun and free event!

Free and open to the public.

Please email Anne at to register.

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Campfire Program @ Gettysburg Battlefield Amphitheater
8:30 PM20:30

Campfire Program @ Gettysburg Battlefield Amphitheater

Join Strawberry Hill as we present at the NPS Campfire Programs!

What are the Campfire Programs? NPS rangers present evening campfire talks on a wide variety of topics on the Battle of Gettysburg and the American Civil War. Programs take place at 8:30 pm at the Pitzer Woods Amphitheater, near Auto Tour Stop #6.

More info to come.

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CANCELED - Ancestral Skills, part 1
1:00 PM13:00

CANCELED - Ancestral Skills, part 1

CANCELED - Ancestral Skills is an all-new three part series!

Part 1 - Fire

Controlling fire was the cornerstone of human evolution. This step allowed humans to survive the cold and disperse through varied landscapes, increase the diversity of our diets, create tools, deter predators, increase visibility at night and become ecological engineers. In this class we will learn the ins and outs of selecting and collecting material needed to build fires, carve a bow drill, make kindling and feathersticks, use a ferro rod, and understand the use of a hand drill. 

$30 per person

To register click here.

Save by registering for all three classes in this series by clicking here.

About the presenter: Jaybird is a Pennsylvania Master Naturalist, Certified Permaculture Designer, Certified Wildlife Tracker, Wilderness First Responder, ecological steward, and craftsman. Born and raised in the woods of Maryland’s Eastern Shore, he spent his childhood exploring the wonders of the forest and on the water. By living close to nature, he believes we can reclaim our natural place in the ecosystem, tending the earth in a manner that strengthens biodiversity and creates a truly regenerative and sustainable future for all life forms. He is the co-founder of the Northern Appalachia School.

For more information on Jay and the Northern Appalachia School, click here.

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Strawberry Moon Hike
9:30 PM21:30

Strawberry Moon Hike

Join us for a free nighttime nature hike under the Full Strawberry Moon!

What better way to celebrate the official start of summer than a hike under the glorious full moon? This is our favorite time of year. The forest is in bloom and wild strawberries are everywhere. We’ll explore some local history and discover the origins of our nature preserve.

Guided hike will start at 9:30pm and last about 60 minutes. We will have a limited number of flashlights to handout so please bring one if you can.

For Scouts: This program meets the requirements for the following badges - Junior Trail Adventure and Cadette Night Owl. You will receive a certificate of completion from Strawberry Hill upon request.

Email Anne at to register. Space is limited to 15 participants.

Due to the nature of a nighttime hike, this activity is recommended for older children who are comfortable walking in the woods at night.

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Campfire Program @ Gettysburg Battlefield Amphitheater
8:30 PM20:30

Campfire Program @ Gettysburg Battlefield Amphitheater

Join Strawberry Hill as we present at the NPS Campfire Programs!

What are the Campfire Programs? NPS rangers present evening campfire talks on a wide variety of topics on the Battle of Gettysburg and the American Civil War. Programs take place at 6:30 pm at the Pitzer Woods Amphitheater, near Auto Tour Stop #6.

More info to come.

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Nature Book Club
6:30 PM18:30

Nature Book Club

Join us for Nature Book Club in the Nature Classroom from 6:30-7:30pm. Light refreshments will be offered but feel free to bring something to share if you wish.

This month’s read: The Hidden Life of Trees - What They Feel, How They Communicate: Discoveries from a Secret World by Peter Wohlleben

Free and open to the public. RSVP to Anne at

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CANCELED - PA Master Gardener Presents: Ticks & Lyme Disease
1:00 PM13:00

CANCELED - PA Master Gardener Presents: Ticks & Lyme Disease


As outdoor lovers, whether in the garden or in the woods, ticks are a normal occurrence. Join Master Gardener Margaret Stoddard for a discussion on identifying ticks and their impact on us. Learn ways to protect yourself from Lyme Disease so you can continue to enjoy the outdoors.  

Margaret Stoddard has been a Penn State Master Gardener for 7 years.  She knows first hand the impact of Lyme Disease. She shares her experience and knowledge on tick identification and protection from ticks so others can precautions.


Click here to register

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Wild Edibles with Debbie Naha-Koretzky, part 2
1:00 PM13:00

Wild Edibles with Debbie Naha-Koretzky, part 2

Join Debbie Naha-Koretzky, “The Wild Edibles Lady,” for a three-part foraging adventure to discover the edible plants of our area. The program will include a slide show followed by a foraging walk, and a taste of wild tea.

Signed copies of her book, Foraging Pennsylvania and New Jersey (2021, Falcon Guides), will be available.

Debbie is a registered dietitian/nutritionist, Rutgers Master Gardener, Pennsylvania Master Naturalist, certified science teacher, and wild foods author. She has conducted countless foraging programs for state organizations, environmental centers, native plant societies, state parks and more. She received her master’s degree in Clinical Nutrition from New York University. This specialized training allows for a unique approach to wild edible plants.

The program will cover plant identification, safety, look-alike plants, sustainable harvesting, cooking with wild plants, and of course, nutrition.

Click here to register

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PA Master Gardener Presents: Pennsylvania German Kitchens
1:00 PM13:00

PA Master Gardener Presents: Pennsylvania German Kitchens

Pennsylvania German Kitchen Gardens are gardens of purpose, not necessarily design. Typically, vegetables, culinary herbs and medicinal herbs were grown. Learn about how these gardens were sited, who managed them, and how folks successfully grew crops.

Alice Zepp has been a Master Gardener for four years. She has been a vegetable gardener for most of her adult life, which has introduced her to PA German kitchen gardens. She is involved in the Master Gardener Demonstration Gardens as well as the Vegetable Patch Series.


Click here to register

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Bird Language & Birding By Ear
5:30 PM17:30

Bird Language & Birding By Ear

In this class we will demystify the language and behavior of the birds, understand how birds can extend your awareness and deepen your connection with nature. We’ll learn the 5 voices of the birds, the shapes of alarm and what they tell you, and which birds to focus on learning first. We’ll also dig into the nuances of birding by ear, by learning bird groups, where to find common birds, mnemonics, and how to start identifying birds by their song.

$15 per person

To register click here

About the instructor: Jaybird is a Pennsylvania Master Naturalist, Certified Permaculture Designer, Certified Wildlife Tracker, Wilderness First Responder, ecological steward, and craftsman. Born and raised in the woods of Maryland’s Eastern Shore, he spent his childhood exploring the wonders of the forest and on the water. By living close to nature, he believes we can reclaim our natural place in the ecosystem, tending the earth in a manner that strengthens biodiversity and creates a truly regenerative and sustainable future for all life forms. He is the co-founder of the Northern Appalachia School.

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CANCELED - The Elements of the Forest
11:00 AM11:00

CANCELED - The Elements of the Forest

CANCELED - Earth, air, fire, & water

The four elements manifest in rural forested areas in a variety of ways. Join us as we explore practical exercises in determining which element brings the most healing, grounding, stabilizing energy (i.e. basking in the Sun to refill, Fire energy, etc.) Includes a presentation followed by a hike.

$15 per person

To register, click here.

About the presenter:

Rev. Monika Kojote is a Druid shaman serving the North American, Ireland, European Union, and United Kingdom communities for over 14 years. Monika uses she/her pronouns and is a member of the hearing-impaired community (ASL-inclusive). In her practice, she works consistently to create safe & sacred space for all marginalized and disabled populations. Her education & experience ensure that she is a trauma-informed clergy person and healer.

Although she is based in Washington County (Maryland), her in-person services and workshops span the East Coast & Mid-Atlantic regions. Her practice includes individual and group/family ceremonies, as well as house clearings, journey workshops, spiritual mentoring, divination, and clergy services(weddings, baby blessings, end-of-life care, and funerals).

Monika uses the term “shaman” as a job title, describing healing that occurs in ethical relationship with Spirits. Her ancestry and personal spirituality reflect the practices of the Indo-Europeans; she follows a Druid path.

Monika received her master’s degree in forensic psychology in 2005, and has over 20 years experience working in the public domain of health & human services. She has extensive spiritual training, including her master level certification in Usui Reiki, completion of a 2.5 year program from Gryphons Grove School of Shamanism (now closed), soul retrieval, Druid Apprentice training programs from AODA , and training in Nepalese healing techniques from her jhankri, Bhola Banstola.

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CANCELED - PA Master Gardener Presents: Suburban Gardens
10:00 AM10:00

CANCELED - PA Master Gardener Presents: Suburban Gardens


Meadows, riparian buffers, native plants and pollinator are all buzzwords in today’s landscaping, but what exactly do those terms mean? How can you incorporate some of these ideas in a suburban yard? Join PA Master Gardener Mary Ann Ryan as she introduces you to the planning and maintaining of a suburban garden. This lesson will help to clarify the terminology and give you a few first steps in developing the concepts in your garden.


Click here to register

About the presenter:

Mary Ann Ryan has been with Penn State Extension since 2002. A graduate of Temple University in Horticulture and Landscape Design, she currently is the Horticulture Program Coordinator in Adams County with teaching responsibilities in consumer horticulture as well as coordinating the Master Gardener Program. She teaches adults and youth, focusing on most aspects of horticulture. Prior to this position, she has worked in many aspects of the horticulture industry as a garden center manager, landscape designer, tree care specialist and wholesale nursery technician.

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Pink Moon Hike
8:00 PM20:00

Pink Moon Hike

  • Strawberry Hill Foundation, Inc (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for a free nighttime nature hike under the Full Pink Moon!

The forest is stretching and yawning awake. Join us as we explore the trails and enjoy the early nights of a springtime forest.

Guided hike will start at 8:00pm and last about 60 minutes. We will have a limited number of flashlights to handout so please bring one if you can. Mud is likely so please plan and dress accordingly.

For Scouts: This program meets the requirements for the following badges - Junior Trail Adventure, Senior Science Expert, Brownies Bugs, and Cadette Night Owl. You will receive a certificate of completion from Strawberry Hill upon request.

Email Anne at to register. Space is limited to 15 participants.

Due to the nature of a nighttime hike, this activity is recommended for older children who are comfortable walking in the woods at night.

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