Filtering by: Homeschool Programming

SOLD OUT - Homeschool Days - Maple Sugaring
10:00 AM10:00

SOLD OUT - Homeschool Days - Maple Sugaring


Winter is the sweetest season. Join us as we learn the unique history of our region’s favorite treat - maple sugar!

Programs & Schedule

9:45am – Doors open

10-10:30am – The Ancient Art of Maple Sugaring

10:30-11am - Maple Sugaring as a Backyard Hobby

11-11:30am - The Right Kind of Maple

11:30am-12pm - Tree Tapping Competition

11:30am-12pm - Cooking with Maple: recipes to try today (will include samples to try)

10am-2pm - Nature Classroom open to explore on your own

This day is entirely outdoors but is a slightly shorter day than our other Homeschool Days. Please dress warmly!

$7/person (kids and adults) or $25/family (of 4 or more)

Click here to register!

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Homeschool Days - In the Deep, Dark Woods
10:00 AM10:00

Homeschool Days - In the Deep, Dark Woods

“The forest is lovely, dark, and deep…”

Join us as we explore the mysteries of our beloved Pennsylvania woods and discover why so many spooky folktales are rooted in the science of the forest!

Programs & Schedule

9:45am – Doors open

10-11am – Meet Strix!

11am-12pm – Trees of Mount Hope Hike

11am-12pm – Creature Feature

12-12:30 – Lunch on your own at our pavilion

12:30-1pm – “Terrors” of the Natural World

12:30-1pm – Folktales from the Forest

10am-2pm – Nature Classroom open to explore

$7/person (kids and adults), $25/family of 4 or more

To register, click here.

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Homeschool Days - The Sweet Side of Skunks
10:00 AM10:00

Homeschool Days - The Sweet Side of Skunks

Join us as we learn about and celebrate one of nature’s most marvelous and misunderstood creatures - the stripped skunk!

Programs & Schedule

9:45am – Doors open

10-11am – Meet Ollie, Strawberry Hill’s Animal Ambassador!

11am-12pm – Habitat Hike

11am-12pm – Skunk Tales and Sweet Treats

12-12:30pm – Lunch on your own at our pavilion

12:30-1pm – The Science of Stink

12:30-1:30pm – Skunk Trivia

10am-2pm – Nature Classroom open to explore

$7/person (kids and adults), $25/family of 4 or more

To register, click here.

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Homeschool Days - Art in Autumn
10:00 AM10:00

Homeschool Days - Art in Autumn

  • Strawberry Hill Foundation (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Fall is officially here and we’re celebrating the beauty it brings to our forest. Join us for an art-tastic day of learning, creativity, and fun!

Programs & Schedule

9:45am – Doors open

10-11am – Hair Dye & Nature Ink

11am-12pm – Patterns in Nature Hike – Explore the Nature Trail with a Strawberry Hill Naturalist and search for patterns in nature including spirals, fractals, the Fibonacci sequence, and more!

11am-12pm – Nature Journaling

12-12:30pm – Lunch on your own at our pavilion

12:30-1pm – Leaf Colors

12:30-1pm – Color Run

10am-2pm – Nature Classroom open to explore

$7/person (kids and adults) or $25/family of 4 or more

To register, click here.

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Homeschool Days - Citizen Science & Butterflies
11:00 AM11:00

Homeschool Days - Citizen Science & Butterflies

Spring means butterflies! Join us for a day of discovery as we learn about - and search for - local species of butterflies and create a citizen science report!

Recommended for ages 9-12 years but all ages welcome!

Program schedule:

11am-12:15pm - The Beauty of Butterflies

12:15-1pm - lunch on your own

1-2:30pm - Citizen Science & Butterflies

$20/child over the age of 4 (adult chaperones free)

Click here to register!

Please note this is not a drop-off event

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Homeschool Days - All About Birds
11:00 AM11:00

Homeschool Days - All About Birds

Birds are incredible engineers who have just the right “tools” for the job! Spend the morning discovering the process and ingenuity behind birds’ marvelous creations!

Later in the day, we’ll learn what the spring migration means to our area. Birders of all ages are putting their Citizen Scientist skill to use. Break out the binoculars and join us we hit the trails in search of birds on the move!

Recommended for ages 5-12 years but all ages welcome!

Program schedule:

11am-12:15pm - Bird “Tools”

12:15-1pm - lunch on your own

1-2:30pm - Citizen Science & the Spring Migration

$20/child over the age of 4 (adult chaperones free)

Click here to register!

Please note this is not a drop-off event

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Homeschool Days - Fun with Frog & Toad
11:00 AM11:00

Homeschool Days - Fun with Frog & Toad

Frog and Toad are literary best friends but they’re very different. Explore the science behind these fascinating amphibians and discover their unique adaptations that make both incredible creatures. Make your very own Toad Abode to take home!

Recommended for ages 5-12 years but all ages welcome!

Program schedule:

11am-12:15pm - Hop, Jump, and Run: Unique Adaptations

12:15-1pm - lunch on your own

1-2:30pm - Frog and Toad Hike with Make and Take: Toad Abode

$20/child over the age of 4 (adult chaperones free)

Click here to register!

Please note this is not a drop-off event

*photo by Peter Paplanus

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Homeschool Maple Sugaring Demonstration
11:00 AM11:00

Homeschool Maple Sugaring Demonstration

Have you ever wanted to learn how to make maple syrup? Or wondered if your trees are the “right” kind of maple? Join Strawberry Hill Naturalists as they introduce you to the process of making maple syrup, from tap to table. Participants learn the history of maple sugaring in Pennsylvania, how changes in weather patterns can affect the maple sugaring season, how to identify the characteristics that distinguish different types of maple trees, how to tap, and the supplies required to process sap into maple syrup.

There are two program times to choose from: 11am & 2pm. Each program runs about 90 minutes and is entirely outdoors. Please dress warmly!

$10 per person. Children under 3 free.

Click here to register!

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Homeschool Days - Eco Engineers
10:30 AM10:30

Homeschool Days - Eco Engineers

Beaver dams are structural wonders and ecologically fundamental. Explore the building concepts and environmental impact of America’s largest rodent and even put your knowledge to the test when you build a beaver dam of your own! Later in the day, join us as we explore the shifting ecology of our Pennsylvania forests and then hit the trails in search of beaver-approved trees.

Recommended for ages 9-12 years but all ages welcome!

Program schedule:

10:30-12pm - Beaver Dams

12-1pm - lunch on your own

1-2:30pm - Tree Hike

$20/participant over the age of 4

Click here to register!

Please note this is not a drop-off event

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Homeschool Days - Art in Nature
10:30 AM10:30

Homeschool Days - Art in Nature

Many artists are inspired by nature, but few can rival the art of nature herself! Join us as we explore the colors, patterns, and textures that are all around us. Learn how plants and animals use color in different ways, and spend a day making natural art of your own.

Recommended for ages 5-12 years but all ages welcome!

Program schedule:

10:30-12pm - Colors in Nature

12-1pm - lunch on your own

1-2:30pm - Textures & Patterns

$20/participant over the age of 4

Click here to register!

Please note this is not a drop-off event

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Homeschool Days - All About Birds
10:30 AM10:30

Homeschool Days - All About Birds

Birds are incredible engineers who have just the right “tools” for the job! Spend the morning discovering the process and ingenuity behind birds’ marvelous creations!

Later in the day, we’ll learn what the fall migration means to our area. Birders of all ages are putting their Citizen Scientist skill to use. Break out the binoculars and join us we hit the trails in search of birds on the move!

Recommended for ages 5-12 years but all ages welcome!

Program schedule:

10:30-12pm - Bird “Tools”

12-1pm - lunch on your own

1-2:30pm - Citizen Science & the Fall Migration

$20/participant over the age of 4

Click here to register!

Please note this is not a drop-off event

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10:00 AM10:00


Welcome to the WILDlife

Homeschooling, Unschooling, or Distance-Learning… no matter your path, learning should be authentic, memorable, and most of all, FUN!

Our WILDlife program is designed to connect children, ages 7-12, to the natural world through hands-on, child-led experiences. It’s founded on the principles of Wonder, Imagination, Liberty, and Discovery. WILDlife kids will go on hikes, engage in citizen science through on-trail investigations, learn basic survival skills, create nature art, and spend their entire class time outdoors (with the exception of inclement weather). Each class will be led by knowledgeable and engaging Naturalists in small class sizes (8 students).

WILDlife also incorporates multiple areas of learning including math, science, social studies (natural and Pennsylvania history), literature, creative arts, and physical development. Classes also provide documentation to aide in homeschool portfolio reviews and will offer one make-up class in the event of cancellation.

Our 10-week fall program will run on Tuesdays from Sept. 19th-Nov. 21st from 10am-2pm.

For ages 7-9 click here to register

For ages 10-12 click here to register

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Homeschool Days - Citizen Science & Biodiversity
10:30 AM10:30

Homeschool Days - Citizen Science & Biodiversity

What makes a healthy ecosystem and why is biodiversity important? Spend the day searching the creeks and hiking paths as we look and document signs of biodiversity in our forest!

Recommended for ages 9-12 years but all ages welcome!

Program schedule:

10:30-12pm - Intro to Identification

12-1pm - lunch on your own

1-2:30pm - Citizen Science & Our Watershed

$20/participant over the age of 4

Click here to register!

Please note this is not a drop-off event

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Endangered Species Homeschool Program
11:00 AM11:00

Endangered Species Homeschool Program

  • Strawberry Hill Foundation, Inc (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

When one species goes extinct, it causes a ripple effect that can change an entire ecosystem. Join us as we explore our forest and discover the hidden history of extirpated and extinct Pennsylvania animals.

$10/participant over the age of 3. Please click here to register.

Please note, this is not a drop-off event.

Recommended for ages 9-12 but all ages welcome!

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Energy Connection Homeschool Program
11:00 AM11:00

Energy Connection Homeschool Program

Have fun exploring the ways in which all things are connected. Learn about how humans can protect our environment by making wise energy choices.

$10/participant over the age of 3. Please click here to register.

Please note, this is not a drop-off event.

Recommended for ages 9-12 but all ages welcome!

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